Someone else can do it for me

Whilst reading life hacker, there was a mention of
Pinkleberry Services – basically a Personal Assistant that you could hire on an adhoc basis to do everything from your shopping to office services. Much like a Jim’s mowing … accounting … rolled into one with very reasonable accessible pricing.

The thought of getting someone else to do your shit jobs and paying them so you can go work on other stuff is very comforting. Right now I have dishes that will take 30 to 45 mins, laundry and other crap. Time to start looking for a local handyperson. I can afford it, provided what i do with the extra time makes me more money, its time to make the most of my time.

Sort your start menu

Its another registry hack (I’m sure I’ve used a tool in the past to do this) but if you run it, Window’s will forget your start menu’s ordering. See this link.

If you want this permanently, then follow the main link which shows that by restricting access to the registry key that controls the sorting, you will always have the menu sorted.


Low Color Icons

After performing a windows re-install and using Tweak UI to change some unrelated settings, I found my desktop and program icons had all reduced in colour.

I was using a 16-bit display and the problem alleviated itself when I changed to a 32-bit colour depth. Going back to 16-bit though left the colours in their 256 colour glory.

Trying a variety of settings and deleting the IconCache.db didn’t help however the attached link, led me to a registry change.

HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopWindowMetricsShell Icon BPP was currently set at 32.
On changing it down to 16 and rebooting, my machine went back to displaying icons in their 16-bit glory.