Building Jetty-Ant for Jetty 7

Jetty-ant for Jetty 7 is a hard find.
The documentation is all wrong, but that if you look at the Jetty Developer page they do concede that.
The split between eclipse and codehaus doesnt help either. There are a lot of options to try and search, Maven repo (, other bits in (, eclipse vs hightide release dirs (,…. aaarghh!
To make things extra sucky, the SVN URLs in the doc for where you get jetty-ant have moved too.
After a lot of searching it looks like this one is the key
instead of the one the docs refer to ( ) which 404s.

There are a lot of other resources that are required jetty-integration-project is req’d by the POM.  Its created in the main jetty-7 that I linked above.  Build that first (I only got as far as building the hightide-distribution) but it was enough to download all the required jars to build jetty-ant.  Phew!


in super short

svn co
cd jetty-7
mvn install

… builds a few different things, ultimately fails

cd jetty-ant
mvn install

… great success (now I just have to try it out – found in jetty-anttargetjetty-ant-7.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)

EDIT: When I last checked the documentation on the Eclipse documentation notes, it had thankfully been updated with an updated URL to download the ant target directly (18 Dec)