The Making of Net of Being

This man must be my most favourite artist ever. This page on his site shows the steps of how this monster was created. If anyone wants to buy me a signed copy of Net of Being please feel free

I heart Alex Grey

Link to article about Alex Greys work with Tool and a very brief video of Alex’s workspace, along with soundbites from Adam Jones about getting the stereoscopic images onto the record.

Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

Well, those in development circles will by now at least have heard of this new fanbangled architecture for building rich web client apps known as Ajax. This article is a very small skim of the froth of what AJAX is about but I liked the pictures ๐Ÿ™‚

Speed Reading Links

Speed Reading Links

While searching Music Speed Reading to help my brother I came across a few pages:

Speed reading software, articles and tips (Ababasoft) – has lots of background info on speed reading plus flash games to help you develop your skills. There are lots of them, there is even a speed reading metronome. The site also has a lot of flash games to learn music theory. Great site.

RocketReader – An aussie product which is an end to end speed reading and comprehension tool. Looks good – a little pricey ($99 AUD).

There were other relevant tools (mainly screenreaders) at this site where I came across the above two links.

Strengthening Archilles Heel

The Netgear WGT634U router has been giving me connection woes of late. I’ve had to hard reboot it a few times before any client machine could connect wirelessly. Given I want to run some permanent services on my desktop, I want to swap it around with my Linksys WRT54G.

I thought I found my answer until I realised that making the WGT634U an access point, would not make it a client.

The ToNot plan I had:

  1. Backup existing router settings.
  2. Reflash the Linksys back to its original firmware (from OpenWRT)
  3. Follow the instructions at the Netgear support page to turn the WGT into an access point. I learnt this was possible for the WGT634U thanks to this support post.
  4. Connect the Linksys to the DSL Modem (via WAN port) and configure to connect to internet. Set it as, turn on DHCP. Pick a new SSID to reflect this new networks config.
  5. With the WGT634U having DHCP off and a different SSID to the one above per Netgears instruction
  6. Hope I can still connect – its not going to work. How will the Netgear know to connect to the devices on the linksys’s network? If I set the SSID’s to be the same, then that is relying on wirelessly bridging which is what I’ve already tried. I need the netgear to work in a wireless client which requires OpenWRT/OpenWGT
  7. Also Hope that I can get 108Mbps transfer when my 108Mbps wireless NIC talks to the WGT634U.

An alternate plan comes to mind

  1. Sell the WGT634U

BBC – Programme Catalogue

The BBC have launched an “EXPERIMENTAL PROTOTYPE” of their broadcast catalog on the interweb. You can go and view what shows they have broadcast and go into news stories and other information. You can even see what was on the TV/Radio on your birthday (maybe more relevant if you are a UK resident but still interesting methinks – just change the link to reflect your birthday yyyy/m/d). Go and see when Monty Python was first aired. I learnt that on my birthday, BBC Radio did an adaption of a star wars movie for radio. Can you imagine that: “And then 3CPO displayed a hologram of princess Leia.”

Eventually they hope to digitise all their shows and release them for download either for a fee but with the intent of a big chunk being mostly free. I’ll hardly want to watch real telly again.

CVSNT server

I have had a CVSNT running on my desktop for some time now. Recently with more group assignments occuring at Uni, I decided to open this up to the rest of the world (well just the 3 other people that I’m participating in an assignment with)

Considerations for whether it is worth running a CVS server included the fact that the Uni firewall may infact block the relevant ports, so I looked at a way to publish the CVS project contents to the web.

The ViewCVS package contains a mini-webserver and allows users to browse a repository and download its files via FTP. To install and get this to work on a windows box with IIS can be a bit fidly but a Bo Berglund wrote an installer and has placed instructions here on how to set this up.

Bo also has another CVSNT getting started page which has links to a variety of CVS related info (books, tutorials and other software). Great if you are just starting out in CVS. I’ve came across those links before and was going to publish them seperately until I realised that Bo had bet me to it.

Edit: Some links just so you can concentrate your reading.