Facebook as a business platform

I recently attended the Thoughtworks Quarterly Briefing which was about their Tech Radar – a whats hot in upcoming and existing software dev technologies.  One thing that came up as surprising was the idea of Facebook as a Business Platform. 

My first thought, Facebook for business?, am I doing it wrong?  Winking smile But its actually a pretty neat idea.  The concept is simple, if so many people are using FB as a platform for games (Farmville) and other apps then why not business apps on there?  It can be used as a powerful marketing tool or a business information platform.  It is not much different to the way businesses have caught onto SMS to send info around and so if the infrastructure is there, being maintained by facebook, then why not use it?

Its funny when you hear an idea and then see it replicated elsewhere – moments of synchronicity perhaps?.  In my email this morning there was an article about Delta airlines allowing users to purchase tickets on FB. 

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