EJB’s for you at home

XDoclet doesn’t have a remove tag.  It doesn’t need to.

Here are some tutorials:


Looks like My-Eclipse has some nice xdoclet integration.  The one I’m trying through JBoss has been difficult to configure and I don’t think I’m making the most of it


That was quick digest on log4j


A security tutorial


My very good friend of mine, Andrew pointed me the way of EasyEclipse.  Its a Eclipse distro with a collection of very useful plugins, and some of their own.

You can download the plugins seperately or get one of their distro’s (as per any other Eclipse distro doing the rounds).

Seem to be very friendly to the new Eclipse user and they have specific distros for development of PHP, C++, JEE and more.

Java Fun and Games: Tips from the Java grab bag


I’m sure these will come in handy from time to time.

  • The simplest sound API
  • Window centering
  • Drop shadows
  • Hyperlinks and browser launching
  • Status bars
  • Image grabber (website)

Java Online Training and Tutorials


The following appears to be a more mature version of the Java tutorial and makes reference to tutorials outside of the basic Java Tutorial. (ie JavaBeans 101)

Effective Java Programming Language Guide


A collegue at work recommended this book.

I can make the following link in my experience
My C++ lecturer went to great pains to explain C++’s greatness in terms of OCF and having full control on the lifecycle of objects as well as make us understand how & when objects are created and destroyed. As well as the power of knowing the pitfalls of partial assignment and other cautionary tales I’m too busy to talk about here.

This book explains the Java side of that, whilst Java hides many of these things through garbage collection, interface and single inheritance, the book tells you Java’s side of the story when it comes to the more low level object management.