.htaccess Tips

Sometimes I have to play with htaccess files.  This is usually followed by a process of ‘its been a while since I used htaccess, what are the options again?’ and a search of various blogs, manuals and other articles.

Here is a nice summary of what your htaccess should cover when deploying a new page.


Folk IT – and other articles about dealing with the business

An interesting article for those who have the time.

Its about business coming up with solutions to IT probs – ‘Folk IT’ – since they learn the IT terminology when things go wrong, they may as well contribute to the solution right?  right?  wrong….


Taken from the Thoughworkers article list here.  Something I’d love to read more of when I have the time.

Scratch your Groovy itch on the web

Here is a web based Groovy console, so the next time you are say on the train and want to write some Groovy using your iPhone* or at some PC with a locked down environment, you can!


Hours of fun or your money back :-p

* Nope, never wanted to write Groovy on the train either, but you never know.

Update from a former colleague of mine:

BTW, this is hosted on Google App engine, which only recently started supporting Java! There still seem to be some issues, I can’t execute code like System.properties{e,k->println e} due to some security exceptions. Similalry File based code also seems to be violating some google App Engin security.

Because I don’t use a social bookmarking service…

Nothing against them, but my blog is the most useful thing at present to record interesting sites that I may or may not read later.

To have hope that Scala can work in the enterprise: The Book Of JOSH – but more so to feel the state of where Java is.  Also the comments form a point of very interesting discussion.

To increase learnings in Spring through the use of a purpose built (Eclipse based) IDE: SpringSource Tool Suite

To learn Maven through all lessons learnt by others: Five tips for successfully deploying Maven

Want AJAX, why not try GWT?

GWT or Google Web Toolkit, is a platform that lets Java developers write Java apps and have them compiled in native javascript to run in the browser.  There are a lot of neat optimisations and support for RPC.  Although I’ve heard about GWT many times before, this article made things crystal clear.

A look to the past to see where you are going

I read a great article just now by Bruce Eckel ‘The Positive Legacy of C++ and Java’.  Bruce talks about Java as a language gettings stuck (complicated Generics, etc) but paving the way via the efficient JVM to develop and host new higher languages very quickly (Groovy, Scala).

It finishes with this great line

All future languages should learn from this: either create a culture where you can be refactored (as Python and Ruby have done) or allow competitive species to thrive.

Groovy 1.6

You could read thru the Jira release notes for 1.6 and 1.6rc1-3 or you could just read this infoq article which provides a summary of all the good stuff in the new Groovy release.

I dont think the Groovy home page does a good enough job of selling the new features 🙂