Whilst reading chapter 2 about development process in UML Distilled, 3rd Ed. (by Martin Fowler), I came across these links related to Software Development.
xUnit Regression Tests – There are flavours of JUnit for many different languages. See this link for more information.
Refactoring – The force within you is strong. refactoring.com
Manifesto of Agile Software Development – Agile refers to the type of development process. In a Star Wars theme, it would go along the lines of: Get together with others who share the force. Some telepathy or other human communication will be nice. See agileManifesto.org for a definitoin.
Extreme Programming (XP) – is the best known Agile process around. See http://www.xprogramming.com and http://www.extremeprogramming.org for more.
Worth also noting about Agile processes are that they are lightweight processes, low in ceremony. Jedi’s don’t like having to document things and find that a strict set of rules on how to perform their task, interferes with their light saber use.
Patterns – The search for the holy grail ends here.
Project Retrospective – When you have finished something big, review it, warts and all. Learn from your mistakes. Pat yourself on the back (some people forget to do this, very important!)