J2EE for you at home

A plethora of links (mainly tutorials) to get you through the path of J2EE learning. Personally I’d like to shoot EJB’s out of a cannon due to the troubles they have given, however with a little time and patience, (or the willingness to look at other persistance tech such as Hibernate), you too can be a J2EE master.

The Sun Java J2EE Tutorial (version 5)

I learnt using the previous Pointbase one, but this is just as good, if not better.  Very accessible and lots of samples/tutorials.

Eclipse Web Development Tools

Eclipse has a plugin to help develop beans out of the box. It offers things like jsp highlighting, deployment and integration with Tomcat, JBoss and others.

The community section offered some useful tutorials to make the most out of this environment, which looks promising for new and old J2EE developers alike.

O’Reilly Books
Enterprise Javabeans
JavaServer Pages

O’Reilly’s Java Developers Page
Lots of great articles and links to Java and J2EE info.

A great article on EJB3 found through the former link: Standardizing Java Persistence with the EJB3 Java Persistence API, talks about persistence and coming from EJB2.

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