Jude smells better than a Rose


The guys at work started using a modelling tool known as Jude to help with their design of various projects and enhancements. Jude comes in a community (free) and professional version and the free version allows you to create the following UML diagrams:

  • Class (Object/Package/Robustness)
  • UseCase
  • Sequence
  • Collaboration
  • Statechart
  • Activity
  • Component
  • Deployment

It also has some Java code generation and importing although it didn’t seem to handle generics at all (claimed a syntax error) so I’m not sure about Java 5 support.

The application appears much more robust than Rational Rose ever did. I wish I knew about it for my System Design and Implementation subject this semester as one of our group members couldn’t get Rose to run on their home PC. The price of Jude community is more student friendly also ;-), as well as benefiting from the platform independence that Java provides.

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