Java SerialVersionUID

I’ve always heard other people complain about serialisation issues, but never had to deal with them myself until now.

Here are some quick links: (Not So) Stupid Questions 8: serialVersionUID – the discussion that led me to find these other links.

Object Serialization – a great intro to the classes involved in the Serialization process and some means to implement versioning and backward compatibility. It uses a worked example based on an app the author wrote themselves.

Practical Guidelines for Java Serial Version ID and Serialization – covers the use of serialver tool to generate serialUID’s for your classes.

Groovy – Home

Groovy – Home

Groovy is a cut down java language intended for beginners, web developers or anyone who wants to quickly write apps or scripts that work on a JVM. It can run in an interpreted or a compiled mode and is more script friendly.

Development Process Links

Whilst reading chapter 2 about development process in UML Distilled, 3rd Ed. (by Martin Fowler), I came across these links related to Software Development.

xUnit Regression Tests – There are flavours of JUnit for many different languages. See this link for more information.

Refactoring – The force within you is strong.

Manifesto of Agile Software Development – Agile refers to the type of development process. In a Star Wars theme, it would go along the lines of: Get together with others who share the force. Some telepathy or other human communication will be nice. See for a definitoin.

Extreme Programming (XP) – is the best known Agile process around. See and for more.

Worth also noting about Agile processes are that they are lightweight processes, low in ceremony. Jedi’s don’t like having to document things and find that a strict set of rules on how to perform their task, interferes with their light saber use.

Patterns – The search for the holy grail ends here.

Project Retrospective – When you have finished something big, review it, warts and all. Learn from your mistakes. Pat yourself on the back (some people forget to do this, very important!)

Java Studio Creator & Enterprise are free

I’ve normally avoided the sun product, but whilst looking to download jdk 1.5 for linux I came across these two packages.

For a limited time, Sun are offering these two products for free (Enterprise is normally $1300 US) so I thought I’d look into and download where appropriate.